Our journey
We are Frank and Rachel, founders of Fidela Coffee Roasters. Our coffee journey began four years ago in Colombia. After a visit to Frank’s family coffee farms in the well-known coffee region Nariño, we saw amazing opportunities to work alongside his family, to find new and exciting prospects for their coffee.

In 2016 we started working with four family members, to improve their processes at farm level. This proved positive and in 2017 we were given the first unforgettable opportunity to directly export our coffee to Holland.
Since 2016 we have been fortunate to install a coffee laboratory at Origin in Nariño, Colombia which has enabled us to bring more farmers onboard with our project.
In 2019 after our move back home to North Coast of Ireland the idea to set up Fidela Coffee Roasters was hatched. Our passion to continue working alongside our famers in Colombia and telling their story from Plant to Cup has encouraged us to roast in the North Coast, the best speciality coffee from our farms in Nariño, Colombia.
Supporting local community in Colombia
What began as a small family project of 4 farms, has evolved to working with many more small farmers in the region, at the moment we visit each farm we work with on a regular basis throughout the harvesting season, providing support in any way possible.

Coffee Lab
In 2017 we set up our own coffee laboratory near our farms in Colombia, this has been a great opportunity to enable us to show farmers the results of their hard work at farm level. Our Q-grader Jairo cups all the coffees that the farmers bring during the harvest and gives them personal feedback on their samples. This has enabled us to bring more farmers onboard and build positive relationships of confidence between us and our farmers.
As the community continues to grow, we want to provide training and courses on coffee processes, cupping, and brewing techniques, so we can empower the younger generations, so that they too can continue to work on the farms for generations to come.

La Fidela Cafeteria
Introducing the local people to the culture of coffee drinking
La Fidela Cafeteria is our farmer run Speciality Coffee shop, which opened in October 2019. It’s a small coffee shop in the heart of the coffee community where we work in Colombia. It gives locals an opportunity to pop in for a coffee, but it is so much more than that! It gives our farmers a voice beyond the crop, it’s an essential part of the process and one we are very proud of.

Cafeteria La Fidela allows the farmers and their families to understand the price that is paid for a cup of Speciality Coffee, taste the coffee and learn what coffee trends are popular in the coffee shops and homes that use their beans. We feel it is important that the farmers know the wonderful journey and experience their hard work brings to coffee lovers around the world.

Speciality Coffee in Northern Ireland
Fidela Coffee Roasters
Based in the North Coast of Ireland. All our coffee has 100% traceability & is ethically sourced from our farms in Colombia.